Glastonbury has more more to offer than play host to an annual music festival; its also home to the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey. Reputed to be the final resting place for the 'fictitious' Camelot's King Arthur and Queen Guinevere, this ruined abbey was firmly placed on my to do list down in Somerset.
During my recent travels around somerset I was looking forward to visiting Glastonbury Abbey, mainly because of it associations with King Arthur. I'm not sure what I expected, however, as I got closer in the car all the childhood memories of movies and cartoons that drew me to the myth in the first place came flooding back.
I have to say, the stature of the ruined Abbey did not disappoint. To me it was straight out of a movie set reminiscent of the lord rings. The fact that there is so much open space around the Abbey adds to the surreal nature of the religious setting.
I looked for the supposed resting place of King Arthur after roaming around the ruins. This can be done fairly quickly, but if you are like me, you can spend several hours just standing around and imagining what it used to be like. I was a bit underwhelmed by the simple wooded plaque by the grave. I was expecting more cinematic grandeur, at least a statue!
For those of of you that don't care for myths and legends, the grounds also have a lot to offer. There is ample space for the average family to tuck away from the crowds and enjoy a picnick. I was hoping to be there when the Snowdrops were in full flower during winter, but as I am no expert on flowering times i probably got it wrong or just didn't find them. I did not bother with the guided tour but I spotted a few people dressed in period costume. I am sure you would get your moneys worth, but I am a "Tight Northerner" and prefers to keep my money where my hand is.
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Find out more About Glastonbury Abbey http://www.glastonburyabbey.com/
Official Tourist Information website http://www.enjoyengland.com/