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November - Bonfire Night : Enjoy England

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Support the Rediscover Britain campaign

We want to bring attention Britain's diverse and rich landscapes, hidden treasures and landmarks. We think the british people need to rediscover what britain has to offer.

Did you know:-

"Its free to explore the vast majority of Britain's places of outstanding natural beauty

We aim to provide information on all the great british landmarks, landscapes and hidden treasure through our own rediscover blog. We have ideas to visit Museums to Country parks and Castles to Mountains. So get those boots on and start to rediscover britain.

Show your support

Gorge at Cheddar Village and climb your way into prehistoric britain

As a lover of cheese I quite naively didn't realise there was such as a place called cheddar village. I thought the cheese just got the name from some old English place that no longer exists in modern Britain today.