Robin hood is probably the most enduring literary hero still prevalant today. The values of Robin Hood will always ring true for many people, to this day. With blockbuster films enforcing the message to a whole new generation, you can still visit his old stomping ground at Sherwood forest, Nottinghamshire.
Its not often you can visit a place that has woven itself into a legend told all over the world. I imagine many people across the atlantic think it is just a place of fiction. I love telling my american friends that its real and then see the look of confusion, so how excited was I to be going there? I wasted many a day playing robin hood as a child but lived too far away to be able to visit.
The forest was once a royal hunting grounds thought to have been established by william the conqueror. Unfortunately the great silver oaks are now thin on the ground, but manage to offer a glimpse of the era of Robin Hood's days of battling the rich on behalf of the poor. The Sherwood Forest Trust now manage the forest and play host to a number of events through out the year. I am looking forward to the Sherwood Heath Walk & Talk which is yet to be announced.