Its now that time of year again when the nights are drawing in and the weather is getting notably chillier. The daylight hours become far more precious; so what do you do to make the most of it during your free time?
If your like me then it usually takes quite a while to get going in the mornings after an over indulgent friday night. Say hello to the cat if he has not started to pester me already and of course feed him. Then I put on the kettle and start to contemplate what I can do with my day instead of wasting it away on the sofa, going from the the kitchen to sofa all day. Does this sound familiar.
So where do you start, I normally think about what's near by and then how much is it going to cost. The car normally gets revved into action pointed to the motorway; only to end up back in the house after an hour stuck in traffic.
Don't just end up shopping in your local retail park, you can do better!
Here's where I can help:-|)
Well for a start this blog is full of places and ideas for you to visit. Just browse the categories or locations and see if anything grabs you. The likely hood now, however is it will be raining; so strolling through a ruined castle might not be that appealing unless you are Bear Grylls. An obvious option to stay out of the elements would be to take in some culture through the means of a museum. Don't groan, they have come along way from the stuffy, silent, sterile corridors from your school days. If you are willing to give one a chance I recommend you give Manchester's Museum of Science and Industry a go.
Located on the historic site of the world’s oldest surviving passenger railway station, housed in five listed buildings, MOSI’s amazing galleries and outstanding collections tell the story of Manchester’s scientific and industrial past, present and future."Currently Manchester Science Festival 2010 is on and runs from 23rd - 31st October. The country's most popular science festival returns for its most exciting year yet! Expect a vibrant and packed programme of events for families, schools, young people and adults across Greater Manchester once again. There'll be sweet music, hilarious stand-up, heated debate, craft workshops, hands-on activities, stories, science busking and lots more!"
So thats a start and to stop you getting bored I will be posting more suggestions later so keep reading.:-)